Saturday, 30 May 2009

Farnborough and the Slump + notes

As an enthusiest i have noticed alone with many others
the drop in Movements at Farnborough . Some parts of
the world BIZ AVIATION Has gone out of fashion due
to Adverse publicity over Costs of running a company or
Private Jet . But I Maybe wrong here but things in last
week or so seem to be better . Movements seem to be
on the up and visitors from abroad are to be seen
Biz aircraft Registered to the G (uk) Civel register are
well down on previous years but a few New frames are
being added as is the M (isle of Man) .
Recent Visitor of interest to Farnborough was a United
States marine corps C130J Stayed about an Hour .
with no Airshow this year local interest may be an open
day by ATC Lasham
Its well worth a visit very nice people are ATC.

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