Sunday, 5 April 2009

Dates for your Diary

2009 Events of Interest


ALDERSHOT ARMY SHOW Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 July

More Dates will be added ASAP . Click the link on the events side
bar .

Parachute regiment Museum Aldershot

Browning Barracks, Aldershot

The Museum of the Parachute regiment in Aldershot is now
closed and many of the Exhibits have been moved to Colchester
But now Aldershot is about to loose another part of Aviation
history in the Form of Dakota KP208 has been dismantled
in preparation for its move to Colchester . Its is Expected to
be Restored in Wales before going on Display. Over the years
it appears from the state of it that its not been very well looked
after lets all hope it gets a better life Soon

Sunday 5th April 2009

Three military visiters to Farnborough today in the shape
of Boeing C40 (b737) of the UNITED STATES NAVY
165830 165831 and 164834 Stayed about an hour
before departing to Shannon

Friday 3rd April saw a visit from a US NAVY
C2 Greyhound 162157 from USS
Theodore Roosevelt
moored in Stokes Bay a very unusual and Rare visiter
to Farnborough